Sunday, September 6, 2009

Please don't fear the Liberals!

I consider myself politically educated and I feel secure in my conservative (on the edge of Libertarianism) skin. Liberals and their philosophy are a source of entertainment for me. What bothers me in today's political climate is the outrageous betrayal of both sides by their political opponents. Why are we taking everything so personally?

President Obama and the Democratic Party do not want to build a Socialist Republic just for the sake of being true to their political philosophy. The new vision of any politician especially at the highest levels is focused on one thing; what keeps them in office. Unfortunately (I hope) for the Democrats reaching this goal increasingly means that they are required to create a larger and larger segment of our society that is totally dependent on the Federal Government to go about their lives. That means votes which translates to job security. I hate this, but I don't hold it against the Democrats. I live with hope that the American public will never sit still for a class of under-achievers to; in essence dictate policy.

When you realize that the opposition is not evil, but interested in self-preservation then you have the ability of not taking everything so personally. That will tone down the rhetoric and we can run this country through a presentation of ideas; like maybe term limits. Enjoy the day.

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