Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Writing Books!

I've had two great opportunities to write a book in my life. The first was when I lived on a Historically Black University (HBCU) campus during the OJ trial. I was coaching football there and observed not only the trial with all its hoopla, but also the Republican Revolution of 1995. Remember Newt? Thanks Mark Fuhrman! The resulting discussions left me with one question; why do I have to explain the phrase "rugged individualism" to an educated black male? It was a very educational part of my journey.

The second opportunity was dating on the internet at the age of 50! This occurred after my first marriage folded after 21 years. If you see humor in the bizarre and potentially bizarre, let me recommend that experience highly. It should be noted that I met my current (2nd) wife the old fashioned way.

I did come away with an idea of why internet dating sites prosper; it's hope! Every click might be the next "ONE". People live, vote, worship and even relocate based on hope. It might be the one condition that connects all of us.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The kids I hang out with- Part 2

I carried over my preferences from the golf course to this year's summer meeting. We had enough down time at night to keep things interesting and once again I chose to hang with the pups! Many thanks to the young lions that are already making things happen in our company.

I think I may be addicted to youth. So far it is healthy addiction; free of transplants, dyes and gross additions of bling. My guilty pleasure? Evidently it is giving "sage" advice to those that are not yet in the habit of listening. I appreciate them putting up with me anyway. They even bought a few rounds!